Friday, June 4, 2010

a few highlights :)

Just wanted to share a few highlights from the last 10 months.

JULY... I said many good-byes, packed my stuff, and came to Brasil.

AUGUST... It was an overwhelming month as I settled into my new home and school. H1N1 caused school to be delayed, which was a relief! I was able to see the city, meet lots of new people, and prepare for school.
SEPTEMBER... I started working with the 3s & 4s at church. What precious little kids! :) I also had my first full month of school.

OCTOBER... We had a big Children's Day Festival at church. The disadvantaged kids in the neighborhood loved all the games, candy, face-painting, and fun!

NOVEMBER... I spent my first Thanksgiving at the beach!

DECEMBER... I finished my first semester teaching at PACA and went to Joao Pessao (in the Northeast part of Brasil) for Christmas with my friend Claryssa. I loved being a part of a Brasilian family and taking part in fun holiday traditions.

JANUARY... Both my friend Joy and my Mom came to visit in January. I loved sharing my new life with them and showing them Brasil!

FEBRUARY... Celebrating Kimmy's 4th Birthday at church! Being a part of Igreja Batista em Castro Alves (Castro Alves Baptist Church) has been such an incredible blessing to me!

MARCH... We had a "girls weekend" in this adorable little town!

APRIL... April was a crazy busy at school, but it was also full of lots of cool firsts. My dream of going to a soccer game in Brasil came true! :)
MAY... Another girls weekend, this time in Campos do Jordao. The fall mountains were beautiful! Lots of yummy fondue and chocolate also added to the fun time with friends.

Friday, May 28, 2010

a different "normal"

Just over 10 months ago, when I first arrived in Brasil, there were so many things to adjust to. Over and over I thought how different all of these things seemed. Somewhere in the course of the last 10 months each of these things have become part of my normal day-to-day life. As I prepare to spend the summer in the United States an odd thought crosses my mind... So many things that seemed "normal" to me just a year ago are going to feel oddly unfamilar when I arrive in the US in a few weeks.

This are a few of my different "normals":

1) Rice & beans every day... a staple in Brasilian culture, they are served every day at school. I think I may miss this yummy part of my daily lunch this summer.

2) I have learned to enjoy cooking! Everything takes a few extra steps here since there are far fewer premade things in Brasil (no sour cream, shredded cheese, brownie mixes, pasta sauces, etc.). A few of my favorite things to make are enchiladas, fetticine alfredo, and truffles.

3) There is a propane stove in my apartment. I flinched the first several times I lit it... but am thankful that I am used to it now.

4) TP can't be flushed in Brasil. There are special little trash cans in bathrooms... Its funny to think that I am going to 2nd guess myself before I flush in America this summer.

5) Drinking nothing but bottled water. Drinking tap water can make you sick... so its bottled water at home, school, & at restaurants. I am so excited for free water!

6) Brasil does not have hot water heaters.... they have electric showers instead. I have the daily decision of having a hot shower with low water pressure or having a cooler shower with good water pressure.

7) There is neither heat or air conditioning in Brasil. Winter temps are between 50-70... I have learned the art of layering and also of typing with gloves on! :) Fall & spring here are beautiful! I am thankful for the PACA pool for relief from the summer heat.

8) We do not have a dishwasher in our apartment... I have washed more dishes this year than I have in my entire life. I have actually learned to appreciate the simpleness & satisfaction that comes from this daily task.

9) Learning to drive in Sao Paulo has been a test of my patience & my faith! Traffic, speed bumps, curvy hilly roads, and a million different roads in this huge city makes me nervous to drive... but I am getting more comfortable with it all. My goal for the summer: learn to drive stick.

10) Communicating in Portuguese. The initial frustration I felt at church & in public with my inability to communicate with others has spurred me on to learn Portuguese this year. I still have a lot to learn, but I enjoy being able to understand and speak with those around me.

Saturday, May 1, 2010


April was a crazy month for me... lots going on at Church, Home, & School. Here's a few of the things I've been up to:

Easter Dinner... and a Confetti Easter Egg Hunt!

Hanging out at the "parque" before Ji's orchestra concert.

Some of my girls at our table at the Science Fair...

I went to my first "futebol" (soccer) game... It was SPFC (Sao Paulo Futebol Clube) vs. a Colombian team, as part of the South American Cup.

Sara's 3rd Birthday! What a party! :)

Each month an elementary class is responsible for an Assembly. April was 5th Grade's turn! It was a lot of work, but I am so proud of my students!

I rearranged & finished decorating my apartment... it feels more like home now.

Church Meeting/Fellowship at my apartment... We had 30 people crammed in my small living room for singing, a devotional, & fellowship.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

moes :)

Two months from today I will be standing on American soil! Although I love eating rice & beans every day, I have an ever growing list of American food I can't wait to eat again...

Here's my top 10 restaurant list:

1) Moes
2) Chic-Fil-A
3) Grille 29 (my brother's restaurant)
4) Cantina 1511
5) Nikko (sushi... yum)
6) Mimi's Cafe
7) Fish Taco
8) Dunkin Donuts (with Katelyn & Sarah)
9) Cafe Mia
10) Panera Bread

I could totally keep going... I have another 10 or so restaurants on my list.

I also have a growing list of places to shop... My shopping over the last 9 months has consisted of & Selection & quality is not so great in Brasil... most things are more expensive, and they rarely have my size in clothes & shoes. I miss shopping & my shopping friends... Joy, Debbie, & Trish I hope you can keep up! :)

My top 5 places to shop this summer are:
1) Target
2) GAP
4)Off Broadway Shoes
5) Gaffney & Birch Run Outlets

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

brasilian birthday!

Celebrating my birthday with my 5th graders!

My mom & dad sent a special "American Birthday Snack" for my students...

Who knew fruit snacks could be such a hit?

Peter, the boy on the far left, asked me to tell my parents THANK YOU!

My kids said over & over, "These are SO GOOD!"

My sweet students :)

Celebrating with the girls...

Julia made yummy enchiladas for dinner!

Eating dinner

My "happy birthday" sign

Watching futsal with Elissa and Gui

Futsal is so much fun to watch... and PACA won!

Birthday cheesecake

I'm a little excited about the sparkler candles!

Saturday, March 20, 2010


As I was washing dishes this morning this song came up on my iTunes playlist... I forgot how much I love the simple lyrics of this song! As we celebrate Easter in a few weeks, what an excellent reminder of the fact that "Christ has died and Christ is risen, and Christ will come again!"

Sweet Jesus Christ my sanity
Sweet Jesus Christ my clarity
Bread of heaven, broken for me
Cup of salvation held up to drink
Jesus, Mystery

Christ has died and
Christ is risen,
and Christ will come again

Sweet Jesus Christ my sanity
Sweet Jesus Christ my clarity
Bread of heaven broken for me
Cup of salvation held up to drink
Jesus, Mystery

Christ has died and
Christ is risen,
and Christ will come again

Celebrate his death and rising
Lift your eyes, proclaim his come
Celebrate his death and rising
Lift you eyes, lift your eyes

Celebrate his death and rising
Lift your eyes, proclaim his come
Celebrate his death and rising
Lift you eyes, lift your eyes

Christ has died and
Christ is risen,
and Christ will come again

Sweet Jesus Christ my sanity

-- Charlie Hall

Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Desert Song

This is my prayer in the desert
And all that's within me feels dry
This is my prayer in the hunger in me
My God is a God who provides

And this is my prayer in the fire
In weakness or trial or pain
There is a faith proved
Of more worth than gold
So refine me Lord through the flames

And I will bring praise
I will bring praise
No weapon forged against me shall remain

I will rejoice
I will declare
God is my victory and He is here

And this is my prayer in the battle
And triumph is still on it's way
I am a conqueror and co-heir with Christ
So firm on His promise I'll stand

All of my life
In every season
You are still God
I have a reason to sing
I have a reason to worship

This is my prayer in the harvest
When favor and providence flow
I know I'm filled to be emptied again
The seed I've recieved I will sow

-- Hillsong