Wednesday, August 26, 2009

lessons i have learned...

Yesterday marked one month since my arrival to Sao Paulo. I have learned so much over the last few weeks! Here's a few of the highlights...

-Its ok to be dependent on others. I can't even go to the grocery store by myself since I can't read the labels. As I learn to rely on others for my physical needs, I become more dependent on my Heavenly Father.

-Its good to laugh at yourself. Its humbling to make mistakes in a culture you don't understand. Its also good to see humor in new surroundings. Going to the market and seeing giant bloody animal carcasses for sale is NOT what I am used to seeing! The even better part is that some vendors have piglets on their signs... and poor little piggies hanging below.

- There is a stark beauty to gorgeous flowers and random parks in the midst of a lot of concrete and the huge city!

- I have a lot to be thankful for. The people here are content with what God has given them. They also value relationships more than time. When I have the opportunity to go back to the States I will be more thankful for the conveniences of home (well paved roads, less traffic, and no pollution headaches)... but I also hope to have a more content spirit within me.

- My down comforter was THE BEST purchase I made for Brazil! It has been cold lately, and buildings here don't have heat. I wrote lesson plans last weekend wrapped in a blanket and wearing gloves. I am so thankful that I have not been cold once at night! I am also really glad that I bought a fleece jacket and down vest last spring when they were 70% off.

- I have A LOT to learn at school. I forget how much work my first year was. In so many ways, its the first year all over again! It is going to take time to learn a new system and new content... and thats ok.

Its good for me to look back over the last month and realize just how much has changed in my life. And how much I have learned. Life has been busy these last few weeks preparing for school and settling in. I haven't had much time to just sit and reflect. The reality of my life is changing significantly came in waves as I prepared for Brazil... as I gave up my job at Northside, drove away from Charlotte, said good-bye to my family... and got on the plane. Then I arrived in Sao Paulo and knew at some point it would hit me that I LIVE here, and this IS home... Last week as I was writing a friend the enormity of the decision I made hit me. And I am more thankful to God and more excited for the future than I was when I made my decision...

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Hello former 1st graders, and other blog readers! :)

Happy first day of school Mrs. Johnson's class!

I wanted to share some pictures of Sao Paulo, Brasil!

This is me and my new roommate Kendra on top of the Banespa Building, one of the tallest buildings in the city!

The skyline of Sao Paulo...

My 5th Grade Classroom (this was when I first arrived, I will put more pictures up of what it looks like now later.)
My desk and lots of windows...

The walkways my students use to get to their specials and the kioski where teachers eat lunch...

Part of the playground...
I go to Igreja Batista Castro Alves (Castro Alves Baptist Church). Here is the Church Sign.

They are still working on finishing this building. This is where the kids go for Sunday School and the babies go for nursery.
This is Sunday School for the kids your age. There was a group from West Virginia that came down to visit. They were talking to the kids during Sunday School.

This is what the grocery store looks like... A little different than in North Carolina! The lady in the picture is deciding which fish to buy for dinner.

Friday, August 14, 2009


Its always important to have a place where you call "home"... Michigan will always be my true home, where I spent my childhood and where my family lives... Charlotte, NC became home in the 5 years I lived there... where I learned how to live on my own, and formed life-long friendships (and was harder to leave than I could have imagined)... and Sao Paulo will soon become more than the place I temporarily reside...

So, this is my life... a new apartment, a new school, and a new way of doing things...

my bedroom...
the bathroom, complete with an electric shower...

the living room...

the kitchen...