Last Saturday I had the privilege of worshipping with Hillsong UNITED and 1,000s of Brasilians. Hillsong UNITED was on my list of concerts to go to, and I was super excited that I got to see them here.
It was an incredible 2 1/2 hours of worship... but it was more than just that for me. It was an opportunity for me to see firsthand the passion that encompasses Brasil. Brasilians love intensely and express it extragantly! Soccer unites the country, and you will never meet a more enthusiastic, passionate soccer fan than a Brasilian. The sincere, intense, pure passion of those worhsipping around me at the Hillsong UNITED concert astounded me. And left me questioning the depth and desire of my worship. It also caused me to praise God for His goodness to me. For bringing me to this place. For allowing me to encounter this passionate lifestyle. And it leaves me crying out to God - asking Him to change me, to make me less like the person I entered the concert as, and more like the people that surrounded me.

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