JULY... I said many good-byes, packed my stuff, and came to Brasil.
AUGUST... It was an overwhelming month as I settled into my new home and school. H1N1 caused school to be delayed, which was a relief! I was able to see the city, meet lots of new people, and prepare for school.
SEPTEMBER... I started working with the 3s & 4s at church. What precious little kids! :) I also had my first full month of school.
OCTOBER... We had a big Children's Day Festival at church. The disadvantaged kids in the neighborhood loved all the games, candy, face-painting, and fun!
NOVEMBER... I spent my first Thanksgiving at the beach! 
DECEMBER... I finished my first semester teaching at PACA and went to Joao Pessao (in the Northeast part of Brasil) for Christmas with my friend Claryssa. I loved being a part of a Brasilian family and taking part in fun holiday traditions.
JANUARY... Both my friend Joy and my Mom came to visit in January. I loved sharing my new life with them and showing them Brasil!
FEBRUARY... Celebrating Kimmy's 4th Birthday at church! Being a part of Igreja Batista em Castro Alves (Castro Alves Baptist Church) has been such an incredible blessing to me!